Office Girl to Harmony: Mr. Wyndam-Pryce? Everyone knows he's—- muffins! from Harm's Way (Season 5) | Next Clip in Episode |
OFFICE GIRL #1: Burkle's always giving Mr. Gunn the eye. Heard they used to be a thing.
OFFICE GIRL #2: I don't know. Alice said she and that Knox guy are pretty friendly.
OFFICE GIRL #1: Maybe she's sleeping with both of 'em!
OFFICE GIRL #2: That's what I'd do. (giggles)
HARMONY: Don't forget about Wesley. I get the vibe that he's, like, totally crushing over Fred.
OFFICE GIRL #1: (scoffs) Mr. Wyndam-Pryce? Everyone knows he's— (gasps upon seeing Dan walk up with a huge basket full of food) Muffins!
DAN: They're from Lorne. Actually from Shaq, but Lorne's declared his office a carb-free zone.
OFFICE GIRL #2: He's totally grooming you.
DAN: You think? He does call me Dan the man.
HARMONY: Angel grooms me, too.
OFFICE GIRL #2: (whispers to her friend) Explains the haircut.
HARMONY: I'm his right arm. He's taking me places. (her cell phone rings) We're so connected. (to phone) Yeah, boss.
ANGEL: (on the cell phone) Harmony, get the hell down here. Now! Why can't you do anything right—
HARMONY: (faking a smile) Uh, sure. No, no trouble at all. That's what I'm here for. Bye.
written by: Sarah Fain and Elizabeth Craft; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited & formatted by me.. Full transcript at: