Joyce to Giles: you're sooooo cool!
from Band Candy (Season 3)
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JOYCE: Must be exciting being from England.

GILES: Not particularly. You cold?

JOYCE: Nah-uh. I feel... special, like I'm just waking up, kinda.

GILES: Oh, yeah?

JOYCE: Yeah, like, uh, getting married and having a kid and everything was just a dream, and now things are back like they're supposed to be.

GILES: Yeah?

JOYCE: (sees a feathered wrap in a store window) That's cool! Very Juice Newton.

GILES: You fancy it?

JOYCE: Yeah, but the store's closed.

GILES: (smashes window) Woo-hoo!

JOYCE: Oh, Ripper! Wow, that was sooo brave!

Officer: Hold it!

GILES: Ooo... Copper's got a gun! You'll never use it, though, man.

Officer: Will so.

JOYCE: Ripper, be careful!

(Giles takes the cop down)

GILES: Told him he'd never use it.

JOYCE: You are sooo cool. You're like Burt Reynolds.

(they kiss)

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written by: Jane Espenson; Transcribed by: AleXander Thompson. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 34

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