Buffy dream: Joyce in the wall from Restless (Season 4) | Next Clip in Episode |
(School. It's a mix of Sunnydale High and Sunnydale U. Students walk past)
BUFFY: Have you seen my friends?
(the student shakes his head and walks on)
BUFFY: They wouldn't just disappear.
(Buffy notices a hole in the wall, peers in)
JOYCE: Oh, hi, honey.
BUFFY: Why are you living in the walls?
JOYCE: Oh, sweetie, no, I'm fine here. Don't worry about me.
BUFFY: It looks dirty.
JOYCE: Well, it seems that way to you. (Smiling) I made some lemonade, and I'm learning how to play mah-jongg. You go find your friends.
BUFFY: I, I think they might be in danger.
JOYCE: I-I'm sorry, dear. (Giggling) Um, a mouse is playing with my knees.
BUFFY: I, I really don't think you should live in there.
JOYCE: Well ... you could ... probably break through the wall.
(Buffy walks toward stairs. Joyce watches her go)
written by: Joss Whedon; Transcript by joan the english chick (pisces@englishchick.com). Full transcript at: