Trish to Gunn: Hey, hon? Oven light just went out. I need a bulb from the cellar.
from Underneath (Season 5)

(repeat of the scene with Lindsey earlier, only this time Gunn plays the roll of the suburban father)

GUNN: Come on, you know this one.

ZACH: The outer core.

GUNN: And under that?

ZACH: The inner core.

GUNN: Under that?

ZACH: Underneath that... nothing.

GUNN: Just the soft, chewy center.

ZACH: Ha ha.

TRISH: Hey, hon? Oven light just went out. I need a bulb from the cellar.

GUNN: (avoidy) Uh, there should be some in the hall closet.

TRISH: Just regular ones. Little ones are downstairs.

GUNN: Zach's about to fill me in on the lithosphere.

(she walks over to Gunn, puts her hand on his shoulder insistently)

TRISH: I kinda need it now.

(Gunn hesitates, casts a nervous glance)

written by: Elizabeth Craft & Sarah Fain; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited & formatted by me.. Full transcript at:
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