Spike: won't have you doin mojo on me
from Something Blue (Season 4)
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(Giles' apartment. He's doing a spell while Spike, still tied up, watches.)

GILES: Elobe, enemy, be now, quiet.

SPIKE: You know.. not too keen about this spell stuff. Tends to be a bit unpredictable.

GILES: Yes, well, you might have thought about that sooner. Um..

(he continues reading)

GILES: Let your decietful tongue be.. (Has trouble with he words) Be.. Uh.. Let no.. Untruths.. Be spoken..

(He's having a very hard time making out the words now. He gets frustrated and sets the book down, taking out a handkerchief and cleaning his glasses. Spike, who has been watching this cautiously, glances down and sees the key to the chains by Giles' feet. He slowly reaches for it with his boot)

SPIKE: Hey, what's that all about?

GILES: Hm? Oh, nothing. I just got ash in my eye.

SPIKE: Well, I won't have you doin' mojo on me if you can't read properly. You might turn me into a stink beetle or what all.

GILES: T'would be a generous ending for you, Spike.

(Spike grabs the key and unlocks himself. He jumps up, pushes Giles out of the way, and runs out the door. )

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written by: Tracey Forbes; Transcribed by Collie. (Paranoia@slayme.com). Full transcript at:
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