Virginia to Wesley: You think you're the vampire for the job?
from Guise Will Be Guise (Season 2)
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(Virginia is lounging on her bed, reading, when Bryce comes in followed by Wesley and Benny.)

BRYCE: Honey, we have a guest.

VIRGINIA: Oh, look. The vampire's here.

WESLEY: Um, yes. Hello.

VIRGINIA: Well, daddy knows how to send out for just about anything.

BRYCE: Virginia, play nice. Angel's gone out of his way to help us.

VIRGINIA: No he hasn't. You probably brought him here at gun point.

(Wesley chuckles, saunters further into the room, checks over his looks in her vanity mirror, then jumps back with a yell.)

BRYCE: What? What's wrong?

WESLEY: Cover that mirror!

VIRGINIA: Why? We know you're a vampire.

WESLEY: Do it! (Virginia gets up and covers it.)

WESLEY: I'm terribly sorry. It's just strategy. If the attack were to happen here ... If I were to fight here I wouldn't want my opponents to know too soon what I really am.

BRYCE: Good man.

VIRGINIA: Yeah, great! He's already anticipating letting kidnappers into my room.

WESLEY: Mr. Bryce, may I speak to Virginia alone?

BRYCE: I'll be right outside. (He and Benny step out and close the door.)

WESLEY: You were right. I didn't want to be here.

VIRGINIA: I knew it. He thinks he owns everyone.

WESLEY: But there are threats. It's dangerous. You need to be protected. (she shrugs) You have a lot of books. You must spend some time in here.

VIRGINIA: Well, there have been threats for a long time. Every time there is a new one I buy a book shelf.

WESLEY: Virginia, we're both stuck here. So it seems to me I might as well do what he wants me to do -- and do my best to protect you.

VIRGINIA: You think you're the vampire for the job?

WESLEY: Well, I wanna try. You gonna fight me?

VIRGINIA: (getting up) Let's go shopping.

WESLEY: What? Now? It's the middle of the night! Wouldn't you rather wait till morning -- when I can't reasonably leave the house. Yes, as your bodyguard I insist we go at once.

WESLEY: (to Bryce on the way out) We're going shopping.

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written by: Jane Espenson; Original transcript anonymous. Edited, formatted and checked against source by chicken_cem. . Full transcript at:
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