Holtz to Wesley: The beast will re-emerge. You're afraid he's going to kill the child. And you're right. from Loyalty (Season 3) | Next Clip in Episode |
(The video recording Justine made earlier is playing on a TV screen.)
FRED: Behind you!
HOLTZ: This tiny girl, outsized, outmatched, outnumbered - and she survived. Why? - Because she was willing not to. She was prepared to die for the cause rather than abandon her comrade. We, too, must be willing to die - but more so. Study this carefully. You'll be fighting these two very soon. (Hears footsteps) Perhaps sooner than I expected.
(Holtz, together with everyone else, turns to look at Aubrey.)
HOLTZ: They found you out.
AUBREY: I am sorry.
HOLTZ: It's not important. Of course I am rather annoyed you allowed yourself to be followed.
WESLEY: Don't blame her.
(Aubrey and the others spin around to see Wesley standing in the doorway behind them.)
WESLEY: I would have found you eventually.
FOLLOWER: Maybe we should cut out his tongue - send a message to Angelus.
WESLEY: Maybe.
(Wes hauls back and hits the man, dropping him to the ground. )
WESLEY: Or perhaps you could lie on the floor and gag for a while. I didn't come here to fight. I'm not your enemy. - But then I've noticed you do have trouble making that distinction. You're fighting the wrong man.
HOLTZ: Angelus.
WESLEY: No. Angel. He's not Angelus anymore. He's a good man.
HOLTZ: He's not even a man.
WESLEY: Nevertheless - he has a soul now.
HOLTZ: Yes. That he might know the pain that he has inflicted on his countless victims. A brilliant curse, I must admit. Gypsies *do* have a knack for creative vengeance. Where they fail, however is in the execution of justice. And that I will have.
WESLEY: If it's a sacrifice you require, take me. Angel's no more responsible for the crimes of Angelus than I am.
HOLTZ: Really?
HOLTZ: And was it your hands that held down my beloved Caroline as she was violated and murdered? That wrapped themselves around my son's neck and snapped it like kindling? Where yours hands that clutched at my daughter as she was turned into a creature damned for all eternity? - Angelus is in his nature. The beast will re-emerge. You've seen it. You know it. And that is why you are here. - You're afraid he's going to kill the child. - And you're right.
WESLEY: Your infiltration was more successful than I'd realized.
HOLTZ: I don't need prophecies to tell me what is plain. So long as the child remains with the demon, it's not safe.
WESLEY: Well, I must have misunderstood. - Here I thought it was a simple blood vendetta, when - what you *really* want is to protect Angel's son.
HOLTZ: You don't believe me.
WESLEY: Hmm. Not sure really. Could be the low scary voice that's giving me trouble.
HOLTZ: It's time to make a decision, Mr. Wyndham-Pryce. My army is strong and will only increase in number. Fight against us - and this war will become a bloodbath.
WESLEY: This isn't war. It's revenge.
JUSTINE: What's wrong with revenge? It's all some of us have left.
WESLEY: Look. I can't know what it's been like for any of you.
HOLTZ: You might soon enough. When I put my son's body into the ground, I had to open the coffin, just to know that he really was in there. You also may discover - that a child's coffin, Mr. Wyndham-Pryce - it weighs nothing.
written by: Mere Smith; Original transcript anonymous. Edited and formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at: