Buffy & Cordelia exchange insults
from Homecoming (Season 3)
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BUFFY: You know, Jonathon, I've always felt a special bond between you and me.

Jonathon: Cordelia gave me six bucks. That buys a *whole* lotta cupcakes.

(cut to Cordelia)

CORDELIA: Are you kidding? I've been doing the Vulcan death grip since I was four.

BUFFY: So you really are giving out money, huh?

CORDELIA: Is that any more tacky than your faux 'I'm shy but deep' campaign posters?


CORDELIA: This whole trying to be like me really isn't funny anymore.

BUFFY: I was *never* trying to be like you, and when was it funny?

CORDELIA: I don't see why your pathetic need to recapture your glory days gives you the right to splinter my vote.

BUFFY: How can you think it's okay to talk to people like this? Do you have parents?

CORDELIA: Yeah. Two of them... unlike some people.

BUFFY: Your brain isn't even connected to your mouth, is it?

CORDELIA: Why don't you do us both a favor and stay out of my way? (starts to shove her out of the way)

BUFFY: Don't *ever* do that again.

CORDELIA: You're sick, you know that?

XANDER: Okay, let's not say something we'll, uh, regret later...

CORDELIA: (to Buffy) You crazy freak!

BUFFY: Vapid whore!

XANDER: ...like that!

CORDELIA: What did you call me?!

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written by: David Greenwalt; Transcribed by: AleXander Thompson. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 37

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