Spike: Never get tired of Buffy being miserable
from The Yoko Factor (Season 4)
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ADAM: I will restore you to what you once were. When I have the Slayer . . . how and where I want her.

SPIKE: (sighs) Easier said. She's crafty. Her and her little friends.

ADAM: Friends?

SPIKE: There's your --what do you call it-- variable. The Slayer's got pals. You want her evening the odds in a fight you don't want the Slayerettes mucking about.

ADAM: Take them away from her.

SPIKE: Now there's a plan. She's working solo, she won't have a chance to come after us when the wild rumpus begins. (chuckles) Plus, it will make her miserable. And I never get tired of that.

(He sits back, smiles at that prospect.)

SPIKE: Yeah. Leave `em to me.

ADAM: You can't hurt them. What can you do to make sure they're out of the picture?

SPIKE: Not a blessed thing. They're gonna do it for me.

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written by: Douglas Petrie; Transcribed by Joseph B. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 33

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