Harmony to Fred: we're totally bonding! We're like gal pals! This is awesome! from Harm's Way (Season 5) | Next Clip in Episode |
HARMONY: ...and the worst part is, I can't even quit, 'cause I don't have anywhere else to go.
FRED: I'm sure that's not... Really?
HARMONY: I tried being out on my own, all independent and evil. I'm just no good at it.
FRED: But, I mean, isn't that a good thing?
HARMONY: Not like everything's so great now. You heard Angel. I'm useless.
FRED: Harmony, it was one mistake. And you can't take everything Angel says so personally. He—he has a lot on his mind.
HARMONY: I just wish I were more like you. You know, except for the part about being all into science... and not having a lot up front. I mean, you have 2 hot guys after you.
FRED: I do?
HARMONY: All the girls, they think it's Knox and Gunn. Course, I know it's Knox and Wesley, not that they listen. It is Knox and Wes, right?
FRED: Yeah—I mean, no. I—I don't know. I—we all work together, and there's a lot of baggage, and... Why am I telling you this?
HARMONY: Because we're totally bonding! We're like gal pals! This is awesome! You can teach me about life, and I can teach you how to dress better.
FRED: Um... They are both kind of hot, aren't they? Knox and Wes? I... Wait, why is everyone at the office so interested in who I might be dating?
HARMONY: Because you're at the top. People wanna know what's happening with the big wigs. You'd think they'd ask me, but...
FRED: Why don't they? Harmony, do you— Do you not have many friends at work?
HARMONY: I just—I don't get it. I used to be way popular in high school. Just since I got vamped at my graduation, I've had trouble connecting with people.
FRED: Well, maybe you should... you know, put yourself out there more. I mean, lots of Wolfram & Hart people hang out right here. You should mingle.
HARMONY: They're all straight. Non-vamps. I gravitate more towards the undead variety.
FRED: Well, there's your problem. The undead, they're not exactly givers. I'm sure there are tons of straight guys who would love to get to know you.
HARMONY: Well... there is one at the bar. (Fred turns to look, but Harmony stops her, whispers) Don't! I think he's checking me out.
FRED: You should go talk to him.
HARMONY: Oh, no, I couldn't. I'm hanging with my gal pal. I would never do that to you.
FRED: Oh, don't be silly. I'd be fine if—
(stands, starts toward the bar, but stops)
HARMONY: Ooh, what do I say?
FRED: Oh, um, just say hi and introduce yourself. I bet he takes it from there.
HARMONY: Right. But what if he doesn't... take it?
FRED: Well, questions are always good. Ask him where he's from and what he does for a living—
HARMONY: Cover the boring stuff.
FRED: Only... maybe act like it's not. Boring.
HARMONY: I can do that. Well, don't watch me!
FRED: (to herself) I'll just, um— I'll just...go.
written by: Sarah Fain and Elizabeth Craft; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited & formatted by me.. Full transcript at: