Kathy: this song is super fun!
from Living Conditions (Season 4)
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(dorm room. Kathy is ironing jeans & playing Cher's 'Believe')

BUFFY: Wow, this music is so... so...

Kathy: I know. This song is super fun. Isn't it?

BUFFY: You bet. It just gets fun-er and fun-er every time you playit.

Kathy: Going out?

BUFFY: Yeah. I'm seriously caffeine deprived. Figure I'd head down to The Grotto and get a jolt and, you know, do some studying.

Kathy: Oh. It's late... won't you be up all night?

BUFFY: Oh, yeah, but it's cool. I'm sort of an 'up' kind of night person. I mentioned that right?

Kathy: I guess I just didn't realize you'd be coming and going at all hours. Well, not that I mind. I'm just surprised.

BUFFY: I'll be quiet as a mouse, I promise. Ok.

Kathy: Oh! Say, Buffy. I wanted to show you this little system I implemented.

BUFFY: Oh, goody... system.

Kathy: Just log every call you make in here and that way when the bill comes it won't be a problem. I figure, 'Stitch in time...'

BUFFY: '...catches the worm.' You bet. Ok, then.

Kathy: Also... I noticed that some of my milk was missing. Did you...

BUFFY: Oh! Yeah, actually, I did. I meant to...

Kathy: No! It's totally ok, I was just wondering.

BUFFY: Yeah, I-I-I was making my coffee and I just...

Kathy: Buffy, it's fine. I just wanted to make sure... (hits repeat on the stereo) ... that we didn't have a thief or something.

BUFFY: Like who? Sid the Wiley Dairy Gnome?

Kathy: I don't know, it's no big deal. Please, feel free.

BUFFY: Ok, I'm really sorry. I have to...

Kathy: Have a good time.

BUFFY: Yeah, you too. With ironing.

(she leaves)

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written by: Marti Noxon; Transcribed by: Diov Llun . Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 19

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