Buffy: you didn't happen to express a wish, did you?
from Older and Far Away (Season 6)
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BUFFY: It's getting kinda scary. You okay?

DAWN: Do you care?

BUFFY: (exasperated) Fine. Stay with Spike.

(Buffy walks off, Dawn follows her)

DAWN: It's not like I meant for this to happen.

BUFFY: I never said that you did.

DAWN: I didn't want this.

BUFFY: What did you want?

DAWN: (softly) Nothing.

BUFFY: Dawn, come on.

DAWN: No. You don't know! You have this thing you do. You have all these friends. (softly) You have no idea what it's like.

BUFFY: What are you talking about? I don't know what, what-

DAWN: Being alone!

BUFFY: You're not alone!

DAWN: Then why do I feel like this?


BUFFY: I wish you would have told me.

DAWN: You haven't really been...

BUFFY: What? I haven't been what?

DAWN: Around.

BUFFY: Dawn ... the most important job that I have ... is looking out for you.

DAWN: You sound like my guidance counselor. She give you a handbook or something? 'Talkin' to the Troubled Teen'?

BUFFY: Counselor?

DAWN: It wasn't my idea. I didn't even know we had guidance counselors. She called me out of class like I was a total J.D.

BUFFY: And you'd ... never met her before?

DAWN: No, not until yesterday.

BUFFY: And ... she got you to start talking about things that bothered you at home?

DAWN: (uncertain) Uh ... yeah?

BUFFY: You didn't, by any chance, happen to ... express like a, a wish, or-or something, to her?

DAWN: (nervous) Um ... maybe just a little.

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written by: Drew Z. Greenberg; transcribed by Joan the English Chick (pisces@englishchick.com). action descriptions shortened by me.. Full transcript at:
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