Angel: Longer we wait, the sooner that thing finds a way out of here. And I'm not gonna let that happen.
from The Price (Season 3)
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LORNE: Not really the hunter-type. Couldn't I just come along and cheerlead?

CORDELIA: Hotel's shut tight.

ANGEL: Good. Don't want anyone else getting infected.

(Angel hands Cordy another sword and offers Groo a sabre. Instead, Groo reaches past him and grabs the largest and heaviest battle-axe off the rack.)

GROO: This weapon will serve me better.

ANGEL: Little big for our purposes, isn't it?

GROO: I have had no complaints.

ANGEL: Uh huh. Cordy, you and the Groo make a sweep of the third floor and word your way down. Lorne and I'll start at the top.

LORNE: Uh... Exactly how do we know slicing and dicing will do the trick on Mr. Sluggo?

ANGEL: That's why Fred's gonna hit the books. See if she can find out what we're dealing with.

FRED: Angel... I--I don't even know where to being to look...

ANGEL: Start with thaumogenesis...

FRED: Thaumo--?

ANGEL: Creatures manifested as a by-product of using dark magic.

FRED: (understanding) Ohh.

GUNN: (to Angel, re: Fred) I'll stay with her. Keep watch.

ANGEL: Watch close. This thing's hard to see.

CORDELIA: This thing drank every speck of moisture out of a man's body. I'm just saying... Shouldn't we wait to see what Fred finds out before we go chasing around after it?

ANGEL: Longer we wait, the sooner that thing finds a way out of here. And into the world. And I'm not gonna let that happen.

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written by: David Fury; Original transcript anonymous. Edited and formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at:
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