Wesley vivisects & Cordelia tails
from The Prodigal (Season 1)
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WESLEY: Well, the vivisection confirms it. This is most certainly a Kwaini.

ANGEL: So the species has evolved. It’s become violent.

WESLEY: No, I don’t think so. My tests detected something else.

ANGEL: What is it?

(holding a largish internal organ up with tongs)

WESLEY: Think of it as the creature's adrenal gland. Normally it would be the size of a walnut.

ANGEL: What happened to it?

WESLEY: I believe the inflammation was caused by this substance. (Hold up a little bottle) I found traces of it through out the Kwaini’s system.

ANGEL: Any idea what it is?

WESLEY: Well, it’s difficult to say under these primitive conditions...But what I *can* tell you is: It’s synthetic. And it seems to contain properties not unlike street PCP, though more metaphysical in nature, of course. I did identify Eye of Newt as one of the ingredients, but one suspects added chiefly for taste, rather than kick.

ANGEL: So, you’re saying that the thing was on drugs.


ANGEL: And that’s why it attacked the subway train. The delivery guy was probably carrying it.

WESLEY: I think it would be a fair intuitive leap to assume that the Kwaini was jonesing to get well. Yes.

ANGEL: So not only did this stuff turn the Kwaini violent, it enhanced its innate strength.

WESLEY: Times 20, I would say.

ANGEL: Hmm. What would happen if this drug were given to an already powerful battle-demon?

WESLEY: I shudder to think.

(Cordy comes down the stairs wearing a short blond wig and sunglasses. )

CORDELIA: Hey guys? Security system, remember? What's the point of having it if you never turn it on? I could have been anyone or anything! (Motions to the stuff on the table) Move your... entrails.

ANGEL: So, you’re back.

CORDELIA: Very good Mr. I-can’t-tail-the-suspect-during-the-day-because-I’ll-burst-into-flames Private Eye.

ANGEL: What did you find out?

CORDELIA: First off, I *hate* following detail.

WESLEY: The voyeuristic aspect is rather unseemly.

CORDELIA: Uh, can I mention traffic? And parking? Or the complete lack of it?

ANGEL: Not like in the movies, is it?

CORDELIA: No! But fortunately *I* am. (Flips the screen out on the camcorder she is holding and shows them a row of still shots) So it turns out delivery guy really is a delivery guy.

ANGEL: None of this looks like the package I saw him pick up from Kate’s father.

CORDELIA: But this is where he spent his lunch and he was in there for like ever. I don’t know what they were serving, but sure are a lot of leftovers in here, huh?

ANGEL: That’s it. That’s the source. That’s where it’s all coming from.

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written by: Tim Minear; original transcript by anonymous. Edited, formatted for this site, and checked against source by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 13

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