Angel: 12 steel boxes buried in 20 cubic feet of concrete from I Fall to Pieces (Season 1) |
CORDELIA: Oh, goody, recycled coffee, my personal favorite.
(Angel walks in wearing a dark blue shirt, hands her some papers.)
CORDELIA: Oh. That guy?s never putting himself back together, right?
ANGEL: He?s in 12 steel boxes buried in 20 cubic feet of concrete in LA?s newest subway station.
DOYLE: That ought to bring in the tourists.
MELISSA: (arrives) Hey.
DOYLE: Hey, how?s it going?
MELISSA: (RE: a potted plant) I brought this for you guys.
ANGEL: Oh. Hope it doesn?t need light?
MELISSA: Oh, I?m sure it?ll be fine in here.
CORDELIA: Can I offer you some coffee?
MELISSA: Coffee, oh, no. I can only stay a minute. Places to go, people to see. (to Angel) Thanks to you.
(Cordelia and Doyle start coughing.)
ANGEL: Ah ? there's?
ANGEL: There is ? ah ? there is a ? bill?
MELISSA: Bill who?
ANGEL: A bill for my services.
MELISSA: Oh, of course. That?s the other reason I came. (pulls out a check) Here.
CORDELIA: I?ll take that thanks. Yes!
ANGEL: I mean, - I didn?t do it for money.
MELISSA: Oh, please! You earned it. Well... hope I never see you again.
ANGEL: Me too. Good luck.
MELISSA: Thanks.
DOYLE: Well, that didn't go so badly.
CORDELIA: See, you can save damsel and make decent money. Is this a great country or what?!
DOYLE: Let?s march down to the bank right now and deposit this beauty.
ANGEL: You guys go on. I think I?ll stay here and *not* burst into flames.
DOYLE: Oh, right, you?re pretty much the night deposit guy. Well..still... cause to celebrate!
CORDELIA: You think everything?s a cause to celebrate. We need more of these.
DOYLE: And we?ll have more soon enough.
CORDELIA: Well we need them now. Have a vision.
DOYLE: I just can?t perform on demand.
CORDELIA: We need the clients. Have a vision.
DOYLE: That money has corrupted you.
CORDELIA: If I hit you on the head, will you have a vision?
(fading out)
DOYLE: Get away from me. You?re insane.
CORDELIA: Am not. Now will you have a vision?
written by: David Greenwalt; Originally transcribed by anonymous. Edited and formatted for this site by Ann. Checked against source by me.. Full transcript at: