Angel to Gunn: For the rest of your life, it should wake you up in the middle of the night. And it will...because you're a good man. from Underneath (Season 5) | Next Clip in Episode |
(Gunn is sitting in a hospital gown in a hospital bed when Angel walks into the room.)
ANGEL: We have a problem. Senior partners found Eve. They sent something to take her out. I need to know if I have jurisdiction to protect her. What's protocol here?
GUNN: I don't know.
ANGEL: Right. Well, when you're through reading about important things like, um...
(picks up the magazine, reads the headlines)
ANGEL: Trista and Ryan's big baby plans maybe you can put some thought into it.
GUNN: I'm just not sure—
ANGEL: Gunn, you paid a high price for what's in that brain, so use it.
GUNN: (after a beat) There's a proviso in your contract. Says that as CEO of a Wolfram & Hart branch, you can invoke a rapio salvus order. Basically says you're taking custody of a wayward employee. It's not usually used for protection, but it should work.
ANGEL: Great. How do I—
GUNN: I'll make a call.
ANGEL: Good. Listen, Gunn... I know you feel bad about your part in what happened to Fred. And you should. For the rest of your life, it should wake you up in the middle of the night. And it will...because you're a good man. You signed a piece of paper, that's all.
GUNN: But I knew. Not about Fred, but... when I signed, I knew there would be consequences.
ANGEL: You know, the thing about atonement is, you never run out of chances... but you gotta take 'em. You can't hide in some hospital room and pretend it's all gonna go away... 'cause it never will.
written by: Elizabeth Craft & Sarah Fain; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited & formatted by me.. Full transcript at: