Spike: places to go from Out of My Mind (Season 5) | Next Clip in Episode |
HARMONY: I see it, Spikey! I see the chip! It's nestled in there like ... a pretty little Easter egg with your brain all around it like that green plastic grassy stuff ... only this is more a beige, like-
OVERHEISER: Would you please put out that cigarette? It's really not allowed.
HARMONY: Oh yeah? Says who?
(The doctor turns to look pointedly at the NO SMOKING sign on the wall. )
HARMONY: Oh god, sorry! Didn't see the sign!
(She turns away to put out the cigarette. The doctor turns and drops something into a dish. It makes a metallic clinking noise. )
OVERHEISER: The chip's out.
(Harmony squeals excitedly)
OVERHEISER: Didn't think I could do it, I just ... it's out.
SPIKE: Yeah?
HARMONY: (jumping up and down, clapping) Yay! Yay for Spikey!
SPIKE: Right then. Stitch me up, doc. Got places to go. And slayers to kill.
written by: Rebecca Kirshner; Transcribed by Joan the English Chick (pisces@englishchick.com).. Full transcript at: