Fred to Cordelia: has anyone ever told you you're exactly like Lassie? Yeah. You're like Angel's Lassie.
from That Vision Thing (Season 3)
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CORDELIA: Okay! All ready for bed. Face washed, teeth brushed, tired, tired! (Fake yawns) You can go now!

(Looks around the living room and notices the lack of an audience for her performance.)

CORDELIA: Fred? Okay, you can go now Fred.

(Fred is sitting on the floor eating peanut butter straight out of the jar.)

FRED: Sorry. It's been so long.

CORDELIA: (hustling her out) Not a problem. Here. Take it with you. Enjoy that peanutty goodness in the comfort of your *own* home.

FRED: Hey. Wait. Angel said....

CORDELIA: I know. He said that you should wait until he calls but as you can see, I'm fine. In fact I'm better than fine. I'm - right as rain.

FRED: I-I never understood that saying 'right as rain.' How is rain right? Or wrong, for that matter. Okay, I suppose if there's a flood it's wrong. And speaking of floods, or maybe just being overwhelmed - what's it like to have a vision?

CORDELIA: Wow. You know, next to you, I am downright linear.

FRED: Do you see things or smell them or just know - 'in your stomach' know. Like in fifth grade when I saw Grayson Wells and I just knew we'd go steady and even though we never did, looking back on it, it feels like we did. Is it like that?

CORDELIA: Okay. Time to go.

FRED: Has - has anyone ever told you you're exactly like Lassie? Yeah. You're like Angel's Lassie. Sure, he does most of the saving but it's your visions that tell him that Timmy is trapped in the well, or the robbers are hiding in the barn. He really needs and depends on you.

CORDELIA: Well, thanks. I'd be flattered except for the Lassie being a *dog* part. Dennis, a little help here?

(The door of Cordy's apartment swings open.)

CORDELIA: See? I'm not alone, I have a ghost. (Pushes Fred out the door) Bye. We'll have to - to...

(Cordy gets hit by another visions and drops to the floor.)

FRED: Are you alright?

(Boils appear all along the side of Cordy's face.)

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written by: Jeffrey Bell; Original transcript anonymous. Edited and formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at:
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