morning at Xander's apartment from Hell's Bells (Season 6) | Next Clip in Episode |
XANDER: You seen my cuff-links, Uncle Rory? Little metal deals, hold my sleeves together?
UNCLE RORY: Ah, you don't want those. What you really want is Velcro. Did I ever tell you how that was my idea?
KRELVIN: 'Scuse me, coming through. (to Xander) Hey.
KRELVIN: How you doin'?
XANDER: (noticing) Rory? Whatcha doin' there?
UNCLE RORY: Well, I'm trying to make myself an Irish coffee, but this stupid thing is on the fritz.
XANDER: Yeah, uh, watch it, it's still plugged in.
KRELVIN: Oh, is, is that broken? You want me to take a look at that?
UNCLE RORY: Knock yourself out there, Kevin.
KRELVIN: Uh, it's, uh, Krelvin.
UNCLE RORY: Right, right. Krelvin.
MRS. HARRIS: (entering) Whoo!
MR. HARRIS: Xander, you're not ready yet?
MRS. HARRIS: Look at my hair. Of course, I suppose it doesn't really matter, 'cause I won't actually be in any of the pictures.
XANDER: (exasperated) You'll be in the pictures, Mom.
KRELVIN: I think your hair looks lovely.
XANDER: Hey, hey, how's about some breakfast?
MRS. HARRIS: Oh, well, I guess if I'm a little plump it doesn't matter, since I won't really be-
XANDER: You'll be in the pictures, Mom!
MR. HARRIS: That's one of hers, right? (to Krelvin) Hey. You're one of hers, right?
XANDER: You met Krelvin already, Dad. Last night.
KRELVIN: Yeah. Yeah, uh, we met. You, uh, you said I resembled your mother-in-law.
MR. HARRIS: (remembering) Oh, yeah.
KRELVIN: And then, you hit me with a cocktail wiener, and then you insulted my heritage.
MR. HARRIS: Heritage? Being circus folks is suddenly heritage now? I mean no disrespect, of course. I'm sure you come from a long, proud line of geeks. I'm kidding. Just kidding.
COUSIN CAROL: Xander? Xander! (softly) You know that guy Kevin? If he could clear up the skin problem... do you think... (sighs) Do you suppose he'd date a woman with a kid? I mean, I really can't afford to be very picky.
XANDER: Cousin Carol? Your earrings are my cufflinks.
COUSIN CAROL: They are? Oh my. Oops.
XANDER: Excellent. (calls toward the others) Cufflinks: check. We're rolling. Nothing on earth can stop this wedding now.
written by: Rebecca Kirshner; transcribed by Joan the English Chick ( action descriptions edited by me. . Full transcript at: