Caleb: Waterworks. Ain't that just like a woman?
from Empty Places (Season 7)
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CALEB: Oh, now, look...Things don't go exactly your way, so here come the waterworks. Ain't that just like a woman?

BUFFY: Get out of here.

CALEB: Now, now, little girl. Manners. I do imagine that firebrand tongue of yours has inflamed many a man, weak as they are. This here's a, uh... public school, ain't it? Kinda deserted. Only just, I suppose. Folks work so hard at keepin' the Lord out, and look what happens in return. He abandons you. Not that He could do you much good now, anyway? (Caleb turns to see Buffy trying to reach into the cabinet for something) Ah, ah, ah. Wouldn't do that were I you, swee'pea. Fightin' back didn't do you much good last time, did it? And how is poor, sweet Xander? Let him know he's in my prayers, and any time he's willin', I'm ready to... (makes a poking gesture) finish the job.

BUFFY: (raw) Go near Xander again, and I will end you.

CALEB: Mind your manners. I do believe I did warn you once. You're angry... frustrated, scared. I like that in a girl. You really should relax a little. Look at where you are. History's gonna look back at you, at me, at this place, and they're gonna see the glory. Great things are happenin' now, right here. This school, the seal... it's all gonna be a part of the great sweepin' tide of change, and you're gonna be a part of it. Now, why would you wanna miss that? More importantly, why would you want to get in its way?

BUFFY: I guess I'm just ornery. (punches Caleb in the face)

CALEB: Ha ha ha! Oh, I knew you'd be a wild one? I'm gonna take such sweet pleasure in taming you. (throws Buffy through the window) I'll see you soon, little lady.

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written by: Drew Z. Greenberg; originally transcribed by: CariCranberry. edited by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 21

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