Mind readers from Blind Date (Season 1) | Next Clip in Episode |
LILAH: Do you believe this? It's a sweep. Oh, I'll never make my lunch.
LEE: What is it?
LINDSEY: Mind readers.
LEE: Shouldn't we have've been memoed or something?
LILAH: That's why they call them random mind readings. (To her cell phone) Yeah, it's Lilah. It looks like I won't be able to make the 1 o'clock. Great.
HOLLAND: Well, I have to say, this is a shame. It's just a shame. Whenever I hear of disloyalty it uh, hurts me. Hurts me personally. But this sort of thing (goes to stand in front of Lindsey) must be dealt with quickly and cleanly (Lindsey and Holland look at each other, then Holland steps over to stand in front of Lee) and unambiguously. I'm sorry, Lee, I truly am.
LEE: What? No.
HOLLAND: You've been in secret talks with Klein and Gabler.
LEE: They approached me.
HOLLAND: You planned on taking clients with you when you left to join them.
LEE: You don't understand. They misread me. I just wanted Klein and Gabler to think --
(The security guard puts a bullet into the back of Lee's head splattering the side of Lindsey's face with blood.)
HOLLAND: Terminating an employee is never pleasant. That's all. Oh, Lindsey. Why don't you hang on for a minute.
written by: Jeannine Renshaw; Original transcript by anonymous. Edited, formatted and checked by chicken_cem.. Full transcript at: