Gavin: Wolfram and Hart is interested in purchasing this building.
from Over the Rainbow (Season 2)
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WESLEY: I suppose I could try a binding spell of some kind. Something to fuse us together as we enter the portal.

ANGEL: Good. Let's do that. Let's...

WESLEY: However, we could emerge on the other side as a freakishly hybridized Siamese twin.

ANGEL: Keep looking?

WESLEY: You know this is the third reference I've seen to iron or metal. Could be a clue as to how to prevent us from scattering.

ANGEL: What, we handcuff ourselves together? Who do we know that has handcuffs?

WESLEY: Well, I - wouldn't know. And anyway, I don't think handcuffs would work.

ANGEL: What will work, Wesley? It's been twelve hours since she's been sucked through that portal. There is no telling what could have happened by now. - What do you want?

(We see that two men in business suits carrying briefcases have entered.)

GAVIN: Angel. Good afternoon.

ANGEL: Lawyers. Don't you people sleep during the day?

GAVIN: I'm Gavin Park. This is my associate, Mr. Hayes. We represent Wolfram and...

ANGEL: Already bored.

GAVIN: We've come to appraise the hotel.

ANGEL: What?

GAVIN: Correct me if I'm wrong, but your lease expires in six months and Wolfram and Hart is interested in purchasing this building.

ANGEL: You got to be kidding me. You guys - couldn't get me to turn evil, so now you wanna evict me? You know, they're trying to annoy me to death.

GAVIN: We'd like to take a walk around the place if you don't mind.

ANGEL: (in vamp face) You think I mind?

GAVIN: (unfazed) Very well. We'll contact your real estate company and notify them of your non-compliance. They should send you a notice of obligation. After that if you still refuse to cooperate, well, I'm sure that somewhere in your lease agreement there *must* be one or two loop holes to be exploited.

(They leave.)

ANGEL: (to Wesley) Hmm. How quick can we get out of this world?

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written by: Mere Smith; Original transcript anonymous. Edited, formatted for this site and checked against source by Sylvia.. Full transcript at:
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