Lindsey to Spike: Hey, Spike... get any interesting mail lately? from Soul Purpose (Season 5) | Next Clip in Episode |
(Spike's looking bored at a strip club. Someone sets a drink in front of him. Pan up to see it's Lindsey)
SPIKE: Ahh. Uh, yeah, thanks... but not really my type, Mary. So be a good lad and push off. (he doesn't) What are you gawking at?
LINDSEY: A guy like you, whiling away his time in some cheesy downtown strip dive. Look like somebody who's feeling kinda lost.
SPIKE: Is that right? Funny, thought I knew exactly where I was. Place called the Peppermint Stick. Prima ballerina up there's Sunshine. Though I'm fairly certain that's not her real name.
LINDSEY: You know... we really should talk.
SPIKE: You know? Really not. I don't know what you're selling, but best you peddle your wares someplace else if you know what's good for you.
LINDSEY: Hey, Spike... get any interesting mail lately?
SPIKE: Who the bloody hell are you?
LINDSEY: Your new best friend.
(Fade to black. credits, commercial, resume.)
SPIKE: You?! You say you're responsible for me being back? You sent that package with the de-ghosting mojo?
SPIKE: The amulet. You mailed that thing to Wolfram & Hart.
LINDSEY: Hey, couldn't leave your spirit trapped in a bauble at the bottom of a hellmouth, could we?
SPIKE: And who's we?
LINDSEY: Come on, Spike. You must know there's a lot of folks out there that are interested in you. Powerfully interested, one might say—
(Spike angrily grabs the man's wrist, knocking the glass from the his hand, causing it to shatter on the floor)
SPIKE: Enough with the cryptic, butch. I want to know who... ...or what you are... what you want, and how fast I can snap your forearm before you answer.
LINDSEY: You can call me Doyle. But it's not what I want... it's what you want. You got your life back now. What are you gonna do about it?
SPIKE: I've heard enough. (walks toward the exit)
LINDSEY: Don't you even want to know why you came back to L.A.? You hate this city. There's gotta be a reason, right?
SPIKE: You talk a lot for somebody saying nothing.
LINDSEY: You've got a destiny—
(Lindsey reaches out to him, but Spike slams him up against the wall)
SPIKE: Like the destiny that was supposed to be at the bottom of a cup of perpetual nothing?
LINDSEY: What? (slammed again) Unh!
SPIKE: Know so much about me, you must know I get really violent when I'm being played. It was you who sent Angel and me on that wild goose chase.
LINDSEY: I don't know anything! I'm just doing what they tell me.
SPIKE: They?
LINDSEY: (points skyward) They! (points to the ground) Them! Bringing you back. Look, I'm just a guy. I'm nobody. A drifter. I was minding my own business, and then one day— (pumps his fists) Wham! I start having these visions.
SPIKE: Visions?
LINDSEY: Yeah, like brain pictures, but they hurt. Like when you eat ice cream too fast. You start seeing people in trouble...who need a champion.
SPIKE: Hey, you are barking up the wrong vampire. That's Angel's beat.
LINDSEY: Angel's not in the picture anymore. All right? He's working the other side of the tracks. Nobody is out there helping the people that really need help.
SPIKE: What, so I'm supposed to jump every time you get a vision of someone in dire peril?
LINDSEY: Why do you think we're having this conversation? I had one right before I came here. You don't have to believe me, but if a young girl gets murdered tonight and you didn't lift a finger to stop it, ask yourself... can you live with that?
written by: Brent Fletcher; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited & formatted by me.. Full transcript at: