Eve to Angel: hits you where you live, doesn't it? Man sticks a lethal virus inside his son...
from Conviction (Season 5)
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EVE: Rough day at work?

ANGEL: His son. He took a lethal virus, and he stuck it inside his son.

EVE: Hits you where you live, doesn't it? (Angel glares) Of course I know. You lost your son. Well, gave him up.

ANGEL: To save him.

EVE: Which you did. He's happy and well-adjusted now that he has no memory of you, and the rest of the world, including your best friends, never even heard of Connor.

ANGEL: That's not a name I want passing through your lips.

EVE: And what would you like passing through my lips?

ANGEL: News flash: You're not cute when I'm angry!

EVE: I'm just curious how you're gonna play it.

ANGEL: Well, I'll isolate the boy if it comes to that. Stop it...from spreading.

EVE: Here's the news from this sector: If every case hits you this hard, you're not gonna last a week.

ANGEL: Now, I don't want you coming into my office again unless I ask for you. I don't want to hear another word right now unless you decide to start helping out.

EVE: How do you know I'm not?

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written by: Joss Whedon; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited & formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 24

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