Anya: cocktail dresses or burlap with blood larva?
from Wrecked (Season 6)
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XANDER: All these demons are starting to look alike. You got reptiles ... reptiles with horns ... reptiles with gills. And I'm still finding nothing of the 'steal a diamond, freeze a guy' variety. Ahn, would you hand me that one next to you?

(Anya doesn't respond.)

XANDER: Great, we're not even married yet and already you've stopped listening to me.

(discovers Anya's reading "Bride & Joy" hidden inside the demon book)


ANYA: I'm sorry, but this is pointless! We've been researching forever, and we're not even close to finding out who robbed that museum.

BUFFY: What's up?

XANDER: Anya has a theory. She thinks that Martha Stewart froze that guy.

ANYA: Don't be ridiculous. Martha Stewart isn't a demon. (to Buffy) She's a witch.

XANDER: Please, she- (pauses) Really?

ANYA: Of course. Nobody could do that much decoupage without calling on the powers of darkness.

BUFFY: Guys, while this is fascinating, we still have work to do.

ANYA: I know I do! I can't decide whether to put my bridesmaids in cocktail dresses ... ...or the traditional burlap with blood larva.

XANDER: The traditional what?

ANYA: Well, I was a demon for a thousand years, you don't expect me to turn my back on all the ways of my people.

BUFFY: Uh, can I weigh in on this whole me wearing larva-


ANYA: (to Xander) At least I'm not asking you to perform the groom's rite of self-flagellation.

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written by: Marti Noxon; by Joan the English Chick ( action descriptions shortened by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 22

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