Angel: I love you. I try not to, but I can't stop.
from Surprise (Season 2)

ANGEL: You're shaking like a leaf.

BUFFY: Cold.

ANGEL: Let me get you something. Put these on. Get under the covers, just to warm up. (turning away as she undresses) Sorry. (hears her wincing in pain) What?

BUFFY: Oh, um... It's okay. I just have a cut or something.

ANGEL: Can I... Lemme see.

BUFFY: Okay.

ANGEL: It's already closed. You're fine.

BUFFY: You almost went away today.

ANGEL: We both did.

BUFFY: (sobs) Angel... I feel like I lost you... You're right, though. We can't be sure of anything.

ANGEL: Shhh. I...

BUFFY: You what?

ANGEL: I love you. I try not to, but I can't stop.

BUFFY: Me, me, too. I can't either.

ANGEL: Buffy, maybe we shouldn't...

BUFFY: Don't. Just kiss me.

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written by: Marti Noxon; . Full transcript at:
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