Buffy stops Machida's sacrifice
from Reptile Boy (Season 2)
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Tom: We have no wealth, no possession... except that which you give us.

Brothers: Except that which you give us.

Tom: We have no power, no place in the world... except that which you give us.

Brothers: Except that which you give us.

CORDELIA: What are they, some kind of cult or something?

BUFFY: Yeah, a psycho cult.

CORDELIA: You've gotta do something.

Tom: It's been a year since our last offering. A year in which our bounty overflowed. We come before you with fresh offerings.

CORDELIA: Offerings? He's talking about us?

Callie: Do you see anyone else chained up in here?

Tom: Accept our offering, Dark Lord, and bless us with your power. Machida!

Brothers: Machida!

CORDELIA: (frightened) What's down there?

Tom: Come forth, and let your terrible countenance look upon your servants, and their humble offering. We call you, Machida.

Brothers: In his name. Machida.

CORDELIA: There's something down there and he's gonna throw us down there with it.

BUFFY: I don't think so.

CORDELIA: No? Well, that's good! That, that's...

BUFFY: I don't think we go to it. I think it comes to us.

CORDELIA: (terrified) Ooohhhhhhh! No!

CORDELIA: Oh, my God! (screams) C'mon, Buffy! Oh, my God! Oh, c'mon! Oh!

Tom: For he shall rise from the depths, and we shall tremble before him. He who is the source of all we inherit and all we possess. Machida.

Brothers: Machida.

Tom: And if he is pleased with our offerings, then our fortune shall increase.

Brothers: Machida. Let our fortunes increase.

Tom: And on the tenth day of the tenth month he shall be enhungered. And we shall feed him.

CORDELIA: Feed him? Feed him?! Oh, no!

(...) BUFFY: Hey, reptile boy!

Tom: No woman speaks to him!

BUFFY: You don't want her. Look at her. She's all skin and bones. Half an hour later you'll be hungry.

Tom: I told you to shut up! You speak again and I'll cut your throat.

(...) Tom: Something's going on upstairs. (to the brothers) Go. Go! Feed, Dark Lord!

(Buffy breaks lose)

Tom: You bitch! I'll serve you to him in pieces.

BUFFY: Tom, you talk too much. (To Machida, who has Cordy) Let her go, wormy!

CORDELIA: You did it! You saved us! (grabs Angel in a tight hug) I've never been so happy to see anyone in my whole... (lets go) You guys. (cries) I just... hate you guys! The weirdest things always happen when you're around! (to Tom) And you! You're going to jail for fifteen thousand years!

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written by: David Greenwalt; Transcribed by: AleXander Thompson. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 23

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