Weatherby to Buffy: should have killed you while asleep
from Who Are You? (Season 4)
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(back of armored truck)

Weatherby: (callously) Well, it's awake.

BUFFY: Who are you?

Weatherby: Council. We're taking you back to the mother country. Seems you've been a naughty girl.

BUFFY: Listen to me. Y-you've made a mistake. I am not Faith. I'm Buffy Summers. Faith performed some kind of spell. She switched our bodies.

Collins: (stoically) Congratulations. No one's ever actually tried that one on me before.

BUFFY: You have to find Faith. Call Giles! J-just get him here!

Collins: Giles doesn't work for the council anymore. For that matter, neither does Buffy Summers. And what you are, miss, is the package. I deliver the package. I don't much care what's inside. (to Weatherby) Come on.

Weatherby: (angrily) He may not care, but I do. The Watcher's Council used to mean something. You perverted it. You trash. We should have killed you while you were asleep.

(He spits in Faith's face. He gets out of the truck and closes the doors.)

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written by: Joss Whedon; Transcribed by *Joseph B*. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 15

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