Angel to Cordy: the visions are just after market extras like Hurst shift or Krager wheels.
from That Vision Thing (Season 3)
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CORDELIA: Was it there? Because I'm gonna be really ticked off if I'm all Phantom of the Opera and there wasn't a key.

ANGEL: It was right where you said.

CORDELIA: Oh, good.

ANGEL: Why don't you want Lorne to try and trace the visions?

CORDELIA: It's not like I'm morally against letting a demon into my subconscious for a quick lookee-loo. Hey, might be fun. But with the Powers That Be doing this whole 'book of Job' thing, the last thing I want is more noise in my head.

ANGEL: Maybe he can make the noise stop.


ANGEL: Isn't that what you want?

CORDELIA: Yes! No. Well, no. Sure I hate looking and feeling like this, but - if I lose the visions, I wouldn't be able to help you anymore. You wouldn't need me.

ANGEL: That's not why I need you. *You're* important. And the visions are just after market extras like Hurst shift or Krager wheels.

CORDELIA: Did you just compare me to a car?

ANGEL: It was a very nice car.

CORDELIA: I guess that's better than a dog.

ANGEL: Cordy, let us try and help. Okay?


LORNE: Alright, princess, like I told you earlier. You shouldn't even feel a thing. You ready? Now, I want you to relax. Picture yourself outdoors, in a field, or on a mountain.

CORDELIA: I like the mountains.

LORNE: Beautiful. Say you're on a mountaintop, and it's warm. The sky is blue, full of big, fluffy clouds. You're Julie Andrews in 'The Sound of Music.' And you're relaxed and you're spinning and the camera is swirling and - ouch! (Lorne recoils from Cordy) Careful, honey, you've got some power of your own!

CORDELIA: Sorry. All the spinning and swirling was freaking me out.

LORNE: My fault, my fault. I just love that movie so much!- Okay. Ready to try again? Okay. Now let's go looking for the Powers That Be. See if we can reach out and touch someone.

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written by: Jeffrey Bell; Original transcript anonymous. Edited and formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 25

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