Angel to Kate: You get stuck between me and Darla, it'll be the last thing you ever do.
from The Shroud of Rahmon (Season 2)
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(Angel's car pulls up in front of the Hyperion.)

(A blonde walks through Angel's dimly lit suite. Angel walks in, sees her back.)

ANGEL: Darla?

KATE: You expecting her? Because that would really cut down on my legwork.

ANGEL: What are you doing here?

KATE: Well, there is this little thing about a murder she was involved in? You remember, a few weeks ago a guy got his throat ripped out? I'm sure you're gonna tell me she's innocent.

(Angel just walks past her, not answering.)

KATE: Maybe not. I don't suppose you'd testify against her in a blindingly sunny court of law?

ANGEL: I don't suppose you have a search warrant?

(Kate pulls out a wooden cross, the end of it's long beam sharpened into a stake.)

KATE: Well, I knew I forgot something.

ANGEL: Darla's not here. I don't know where she is.

KATE: I will find her, Angel, you can be sure of that. And when I do, she's toast.

ANGEL: She's human now, remember?

KATE: Toast with life in prison.

ANGEL: Listen, Kate, (He steps closer, she holds her cross up, and he gives a chuckle) there are forces at work here that you know nothing about.

KATE: Gathering storm, is it?

ANGEL: Which you don't want to get caught in.

KATE: You afraid I'll get hurt?

ANGEL: No. I'm afraid you'll get killed. I'm just telling you this so you won't.

KATE: Me dead. I guess I'd kind of be like you then, wouldn't I? You think I'm gonna stand by while you and your playmate finish the game?

ANGEL: Lets try this one more time, huh? (Sends her cross flying and grabs her) You get stuck between me and Darla, it'll be the last thing you ever do.

KATE: Let go of me!

(He lets go. They look at each other for a moment, then she turns and walks out.)

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written by: Jim Kouf; Original transcript anonymous. Edited, formatted and checked against source by chicken_cem. . Full transcript at:
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