Buffy to Jungle Bob: who's in this little game?
from Homecoming (Season 3)
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CORDELIA: I have an idea. We talk to these people, we explain that I'm not a Slayer, and they let me go. Look out!

BUFFY: Get down!

(fight, ending with Jungle Bob in a bear trap)

BUFFY: That's gotta smart. Now, I can let you out of that, or I can put a bullet in your head. How many are there in this little game, and what are they packing?

Jungle Bob: There's me, two Germans with AR-15s and grenade launcher... yellow-skinned demon with long knives... Vampire couple from Texas named Gorch.

BUFFY: That everybody?

Jungle Bob: Everybody who's out here. Germans are wired. Their boss is tracking them on computer. Now get me out of this!

CORDELIA: Could I just ask you an *eensy* favor? Could you just tell your friends that I'm not a Sl...

Cordelia screams and jumps back as Kulak's serrated weapons slice into the tree in front of her.

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written by: David Greenwalt; Transcribed by: AleXander Thompson. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 19

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