Wesley: There is a place he hangs out. A safe haven for demons.
from Judgement (Season 2)
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(Angel sketching Cordelia's vision.)

CORDELIA: The eyes are a little further apart. They look right through you. I-I don't think this guy is afraid of much.

ANGEL: Wes, I'm thinking northern Pakistan, Hindu Kush...

WESLEY: Right. Or maybe the Tien Shenin in Kazakhstan. Which means I need Suleman's Compendium.

(Wesley walks towards shelves, a book flies up, hits him, and he yelps.)

CORDELIA: Don't yell like that! You'll scare him.

WESLEY: Scare *him*?

CORDELIA: Dennis is very sensitive. He's just trying to help! He's more a person than a g-h-o-s-t.

WESLEY: (to Angel) We have to get an office.

(Wesley flips some pages.)

CORDELIA: (screams and points at picture) There! There!

WESLEY: Prio Motu demon. It's a killer.

ANGEL: Ancient Ofga-beast, bred to maim and massacre.

CORDELIA: Oh, goody. A pit bull.

ANGEL: Okay. Now we know what we're dealing with.

WESLEY: A Prio Motu.

ANGEL: Now we need to find it. Right now we got to narrow it down to somewhere.

WESLEY: I may be able to help us with that. I've been broadening our contact base. Reaching out to the underlife. I may have someone who can help.


WESLEY: A parasite demon named Merl.

CORDELIA: Maybe it's time we pay your stoolie a little visit. Make with the chin-music (raises her fist) until he canaries. I've been watching a little noir festival on Bravo.

WESLEY: There is a place he hangs out. A safe haven for demons. I've been meaning to take you there. I think it may be of use to us, but...

ANGEL: But what?

WESLEY: It's a little outside the box.

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written by: David Greenwalt & Joss Whedon; edited, formatted for this site and checked against source by Ann.. Full transcript at:
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