Gunn to Cordy: See, now I know you're tripping, 'cause I don't get scared.
from First Impressions (Season 2)
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(Cordelia bandaging head of the guy she attacked.)

CORDELIA: Okay. There you go. Good as new.

GUY: I think you cracked my skull.

CORDELIA: Well, that's new, right?

CORDELIA: (to Gunn) Hey wait a minute. Where are you going?

GUNN: Walking you to your car. You're going home.

CORDELIA: You know you can't just dismiss me like that I know what I'm talking about.

GUNN: Oh, you mean like how you knew Joey was a demon?

CORDELIA: That was an honest mistake. I was just trying to help you.

GUNN: Thanks for the help. Always enhances a guy's rep when some skinny white beauty queen comes to his rescue - in front of his crew!

CORDELIA: Whether you wanna believe it or not, you are in big time danger. I'm vision girl. I saw you. You were at the end of your world, fighting for your life. You were so scared!

GUNN: See, now I know you're tripping, 'cause I don't get scared.

CORDELIA: Well, I do! The things I've seen, sometimes I get downright terrified. And right now, I am scared for *you*!

GUNN: Hey, be scared for me all you want, just do it back at your place.

CORDELIA: I'm not leaving your side until I know you're safe.

GUNN: I'm not in the market for a sidekick, so hightail it back on home.


GUNN: Thanks for coming. Buckle up. Drive safe. So where's your car?

(Cut to Wesley and Angel outside hotel.)

WESLEY: So, where's your car?

(Cut to Cordelia and Gunn in Gunn's pickup.)

CORDELIA: Angel is not gonna be happy. Do you know what he's gonna do to me when he finds out I let his car get stolen? I mean what are the chances that a vampire has full insurance with a low deductible?

GUNN: I'll find the car.

CORDELIA: And how exactly are you gonna do that?

GUNN: There's only a couple of guys in this part of town that jack vintage cars. We'll run down the list until we find Angel's ride.

CORDELIA: And then what? You're just gonna ask them to give it back?

GUNN: I'll say please.

CORDELIA: Ooh! I forgot. You'll use your famous charm. Like you did this afternoon with that pigeon stool.

GUNN: It's stool pigeon. You don't have clue why I do the things I do!

CORDELIA: Paging Mr. Rationalization!

GUNN: Paging Miss. About-to-be-thrown-out-of-a-moving-vehicle.

CORDELIA: Be as rude as you want. I'm not going anywhere until I know you're safe!

GUNN: Me rude? You're the one that showed up at my place, attacked my boy, then decided to highjack my life. The way I figure it, I find your car for you, you give me my freedom back.

CORDELIA: That's not the way it works! You need protection!

GUNN: And how exactly do you plan on protecting me? With some weak-ass lady-smith battle axe?

CORDELIA: Ask Joey and his cracked skull just how weak-ass it is. Besides, I've also got this! Mace!

GUNN: Mace?

CORDELIA: Little squirt, squirt, right in the eye?

GUNN: You're expecting me to be jumped by a couple of purse-snatching demons?

CORDELIA: Well, it'll just have to do because - I'm your protector whether you like it or not.

GUNN: Well, something better attack me soon 'cause I know I can't take much more of this.

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