Lilah to Lindsey: could you stab me in my back a little deeper? I still have feeling in my legs.
from Dead End (Season 2)
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NATHAN: Where are we with Western Pacific Power?

LAWYER: The attorney general is threatening a thorough investigation.

NATHAN: I know. That's why I'm asking, where are we with Western Pacific Power.

LILAH: We can tie it up in litigation forever, sir. They'll never miss a dividend.

LINDSEY: Why should we? They already looted 3.5 billion since de-regulation.

NATHAN: Are you suggesting that our clients admit that, Mr. McDonald?

LILAH: That's a great idea. They can come clean, and go to jail and pay us how?

LINDSEY: Litigation is bad PR for public utility. We cut a deal now, they refund half a billion without admitting fault and we take twenty percent off the top, everybody wins.

NATHAN: I'll consider both options. And the current status of Angel?

LINDSEY: Angel? He's up, he's down. He's good, he's bad. He's a barrel of dead monkeys...

LILAH: He's back with his group, sir. According to *my* sources he's doing better, in the sense that he's not currently spending all of his time alone on the warpath trying to kill, well... us.

NATHAN: Hmm. Now, when are you and Lindsey meeting with the CFO from Lycor?

LILAH: Oh, uhm, I think it's...

LINDSEY: Thursday at eleven.

NATHAN: Good. Friday we will be re-evaluating your division. You two can catch me up then. Let's get to work.

LILAH: (aside, to Lindsey) Could you stab me in my back a little deeper? I still have feeling in my legs.

LINDSEY: Lilah...

LILAH: They're gonna be evaluating us and you know what that means. They'll promote one and cut the other. Around here, that's a literal cutting.

LINDSEY: Well, nothing lasts forever.

LILAH: That's deep. Why don't you go...

NATHAN: Oh, Lindsey. Why don't you join me in my office?

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written by: David Greenwalt; Original transcript anonymous. Edited & formatted for this site by Sylvia.. Full transcript at:
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