Giles: what do Jeff Orking & Platt have in common?
from Beauty & the Beasts (Season 3)
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GILES: Uh, I wish we had time to celebrate properly. However, we have two victims: Jeff Orkin and, uh, now Platt. Uh, maybe there's something they had in common.

FAITH: Missing internal organs.

GILES: Besides that.

OZ: Debbie. Well, victim number one, Jeff. He was in jazz band with us. They used to horse around.

FAITH: They were screwing?

OZ: I don't think so, but he hid her music comp book once.

BUFFY: And we know that Debbie knew Platt. I mean, she was seeing him and way vocal about not having love for the guy.

OZ: Add this and stir. I just saw Debbie a minute ago sporting a nasty black eye.

WILLOW: Okay, so pretend Debbie wanted Platt dead. Maybe he fought back.

BUFFY: No. Platt was dead in an instant. He didn't even drop his cigarette. Now, what if boyfriend Pete's the one doling out the punishment?

GILES: We should find them both immediately.

OZ: Well, Debbie was in the quad a minute ago.

GILES: All right. We'll split up. Um, Faith, you and I team. Willow,
stick with Buffy.

(Willow gives Oz a saddened look and follows the others out.)

OZ: And I'll... go lock myself in the cage.

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written by: Marti Noxon; Transcribed by: AleXander Thompson . Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 23

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