Connor to Cordy: I never thought... how could Angel try to kill you?
from Inside Out (Season 4)
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CORDELIA: Are you sure Angel won't be able to follow us?

CONNOR: I was careful.

CORDELIA: How careful?

CONNOR: Why were they trying to hurt you?

CORDELIA: You know why. They're afraid of you, of me, what our love has created. They were gonna kill it and me if you hadn't come.

CONNOR: I didn't know where you were. I thought something bad might've happened. Followed your scent. But, I never thought... How could he do that?

CORDELIA: Because he hates you. I didn't wanna believe it, but he does. He hates you for being with me. He can't stand the fact that he lost, that he'll never know the feel of my touch or the warmth of my lips. (kisses him) You were right about Angel. He's an animal, and he's turned everyone against us.

CONNOR: I'll kill them all before I let them hurt you.

CORDELIA: My sweet, sweet boy.

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written by: Steven S. DeKnight; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited and formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at:
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