Angel to Wes: as far as I'm concerned, we're okay again.
from Ground State (Season 4)
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WESLEY: (directing his crew in battle) Jones, Brownstreet—left flank!

ANGEL: Need help?

(Just then, Wesley slices the head and shoulders off of the demon he's fighting.)

WESLEY: No. Thanks.

(Wesley bends down to search the demon's body, and finds a motel key.)

WESLEY: So, Mr. O'Leary's being kept in a motel. How original. (tosses the key to his cohorts) Free him. Report to base. Have Diana close out the file. Hawkins, back of my car.

ANGEL: Running your own game now, huh? I never got the chance to thank you. Finding me. Bringing me up. Must've been hard for you. No map. All that water. Look what—what went down between us... I had a lot of time down there—to think. You know, about the way things went, the way they could've gone. I just want you to know, as far as I'm concerned, we're OK again.

(Wesley picks up a chrome briefcase, opens it, and hands Angel a file from it. Angel looks confused.)

ANGEL: What's this?

WESLEY: What you came for. That's everything I have on Cordelia's disappearance.

ANGEL: Did your own investigation?

WESLEY: I don't think she's dead. I can't say for certain, of course, but I don't believe she's in our dimension any longer. Beyond that... was a road I couldn't follow. No living thing can.

ANGEL: Who's Dinza?

WESLEY: One of the Eleusian mysteries. A dark demi-goddess of the lost. Only the dead can enter her presence, and those that do, she often traps for eternity.

ANGEL: Sounds cheery.

WESLEY: I managed to locate her lair, but obviously couldn't enter myself.

ANGEL: This Dinza can tell me where Cordy is.

WESLEY: No. The most she'll tell you is where to look. Just beware. Dinza isn't remotely trustworthy.

(Wesley closes the briefcase and walks off.)

ANGEL: What should I do, then? Send her a gift? Sacrifice? (beat) Unholy fruit basket?

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written by: Mere Smith; Original transcript by: CariCranberry. Edited & formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at:
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