Willow: Veruca's playing tonight
from Wild at Heart (Season 4)
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WILLOW: Veruca's playing tonight.

OZ: Yeah. Every Wednesday. I told you.

Veruca's band Shy is seen on stage. Oz is entranced.

BUFFY: So, Oz, what about dingoes? When are you guys here again?

OZ: (Distractedly.) Oh, we're up next Friday.

WILLOW: They're good, aren't they?

OZ: Nothing special.

WILLOW: Yeah. She's quelle Fiona. Color me bored.

GILES: Really? I think she's rather remarkable. Such presence for someone her age.

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written by: Marti Noxon; Transcribed by: Jillian Tatterton . Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 16

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