Mayor: Misery loves company, and I'm looking to share
from Graduation Part 2 (Season 3)
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Doctor 2: The bones are set, and the damage to the kidneys is repairable. But the head trauma, its- well its simply to severe. You know, it’s a wonder she's alive at all, with the blood loss. - I- I'm sorry Sir, there is almost no chance at all that she is ever going to regain consciousness.

MAYOR: (to unconscious Faith) It's your day.

Nurse: We have another girl with severe blood loss. Doctor Pal wants you to prep this on an anti cubal cut down (??).

Doctor: I'll be right there.

Camera pans back to the Mayor, who realizes just who that other girl must be. He leaves the room and walks over to Buffy's bed. He puts his left hand over her mouth, also blocking her nose. Buffy starts to move her head with a soft protest. A nurse comes in and tries to pull his hand away, but is unable to budge him.

Nurse: Oh, my God. Sir! No! Somebody call security!

ANGEL: Don't do that!

MAYOR: I will. I do that and *worse*. Murderous little fiend! Did you see what she did to my Faith?

ANGEL: Hadn't any plans to weep over that one.

MAYOR: Well, I'd get set for some weeping if I were you. I'd get set for a *world* of pain! Misery loves company, young man, and I'm looking to share that with you and your *whore*!

(Angel shoves the Mayor hard; he picks himself up laughing as nurses rush in)

MAYOR: Looks like somebody has been eating his spinach. No, its okay, folks. It's all right. The show's not over, but there will be a short intermission. Don't want to miss the second act. All kinds of excitement!

ANGEL: I'll be there.

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written by: Joss Whedon; . Full transcript at:
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