hunting spider demons from Selfless (Season 7) | Next Clip in Episode |
BUFFY: Thanks for side-kicking. I didn't want to trouble Willow. Figure she's got enough to do. First day back and all.
XANDER: Are you kidding? We're doing vent work at the site. Anything's better than breathing freon for eight hours. So, did she say what this thing is?
BUFFY: Some sort of spider demony thingy. She had to go pretty quickly. I think she had to sign up for classes or something.
XANDER: Ah, yes, there is little that can distract the Willow when she's on the hunt for the mighty syllabi.
BUFFY: I don't know. I guess she was a little more nervous than she was letting on.
(they find a body)
XANDER: How big did she say this thing was?
BUFFY: She didn't. But I can't imagine she'd send us out if it wasn't? The heart is completely ripped out. This is our guy.
XANDER: Or a copycat spider demon. So what's this black stuff? Aw, it's sticky!
BUFFY: Willow said it was a spider demon. Maybe it's its webbing.
XANDER: This isn't springy high-flying fun.
BUFFY: (hears something) Xander.
XANDER: Is that it?
BUFFY: I can't tell. There is definitely something moving up there.
XANDER: Maybe we can somehow lure it.
BUFFY: Xander!
(attacks, goes off)
XANDER: Buffy, where'd it go? I think we need more swords.
BUFFY: Uh-huh.
XANDER: I say we go home, pick up more swords, and some sort of spidery demon protection amulet. We come back, and?
(Buffy throws her ax into the tree canopy. The spider falls to the ground)
written by: Drew Goddard; Transcribed by: CariCranberry. Edited by me. . Full transcript at: