Xander to Anya: sooner of later, that excuse stops working from Beneath You (Season 7) | Next Clip in Episode |
ANYA: What do you want me to do?
XANDER: Reverse the spell.
ANYA: It's not that easy, Xander.
XANDER: You can do it.
ANYA: Yeah, sure, the spell part. What about me? I'm in enough trouble as it is. Halfrek's all over my case. D'Hoffrin is not pleased with my work. You don't want to see him angry. Trust me.
XANDER: Nice friends you got.
ANYA: Nice friends I had. Chums. Coworkers. Bridesmaids. Oh, I had the whole package until something fell apart. What could that be, Xander?
XANDER: You saying this was my fault?
ANYA: All I'm saying is none of this happened until you dumped me at the altar.
XANDER: And sooner or later, Anya, that excuse just stops working.
written by: Douglas Petrie; Originally transcribed by: CariCranberry. Action descriptions & formatting edited by me.. Full transcript at: