Gunn: Girl kept me up all night. She's unstoppable.
from Supersymmetry (Season 4)
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GUNN: You don't wanna go in there. Girl kept me up all night. She is un-stoppable.

ANGEL: More than I need to know.

FRED: (excited) Did Charles tell you?

ANGEL: He-he didn't describe it...

FRED: I've been asked to present my article at the Physics Institute. P-Dimensional Subspace has always been a fascinating area, but I had no idea there would be so much interest. Can I practice my speech for you? I think Lorne's a little conked.

LORNE: (feigning) Oh, yay, we're back.

GUNN: That. All night. Well, mostly that. (smiles)

ANGEL: I didn't know Fred was getting back into physics.

GUNN: Yeah, I don't think she wanted anyone to know. I think she was afraid she lost the knack.

ANGEL: Huh. She seems over that.

FRED: It's nothing big, really, just a little breakthrough in quantum particles. Emphasis on little. Probably be disproven in no time. It's just I used to dream I'd discover some revolutionary concept and— (smiles bashfully) Oh, it's silly.

ANGEL: Doesn't sound silly.

FRED: I-I guess I just wanted all those people I looked up to— I wanted 'em to see me too. And then I got sucked into Pylea and, well, when you're a cow-slave, you don't want anyone to see you at all.

GUNN: Everybody'll be watching you now.

FRED: I got to practice. Y—you'll be there?

GUNN: Cheering you on! Right?

LORNE: Well, the little nipper dropped in for a midnight visit last night.

FRED: Connor was here?

GUNN: I hope he doesn't want to kiss and make up, 'cause that—

ANGEL: He picked up some of Cordelia's things.

FRED: She's just trying to put the pieces back together. It'll work out, and it'll all be for the best. It will. Five years of unendurable torture and mental anguish aside, if I hadn't been sucked through that portal, I never would have figured out my string compactification theory.

GUNN: (trying to be supportive) Exactly. 'Cause, you know, strings need... to compactify.

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written by: Elizabeth Craft & Sarah Fain; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited and formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at:
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