Angel to Harmony: My clicks are all wrong. You figure out the catering for tomorrow? from Harm's Way (Season 5) | Next Clip in Episode |
HARMONY: So, you've got the department heads at 11:00, your 1:00 with Mistress Shriva from human—I'm sorry—non-human resources got moved to 2:00. Swung by the cleaners. Zippo luck getting out the Frophla slime. Oh, and I took care of the catering for the big feuding demon clan confab, unless you have any requests.
ANGEL: Achite vong mochzinite. (Clicks tongue)
HARMONY: Y'OK. Could you spell that?
(Angel takes an earpiece from his ear, shaking his head. A language instructor's voice can be heard through the headphone:)
LANGUAGE INSTRUCTOR'S VOICE: Greetings, your eminence. Let me take your staff. Lopenghote vong. (Clicks tongue)
ANGEL: My clicks are all wrong. You figure out the catering for tomorrow?
HARMONY: Helloo! I just—
GUNN: (arrives) Morning. Ready to do this thing?
(Gunn and Angel walk away toward Angel's office)
HARMONY: (follows) So, about the, uh, catering? I really went above and beyond, 'cause I know this was very—
(they completely ignore her, and shut the door in her face)
HARMONY: (sighs) You're welcome.
written by: Sarah Fain and Elizabeth Craft; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited & formatted by me.. Full transcript at: