Spike gets triggered from Never Leave Me (Season 7) | Next Clip in Episode |
(Buffy hears the ruckus in the next room)
BUFFY: (to Spike) Excuse me. (goes to investigate)
SPIKE-2: Well, we've got ourselves a problem.
(cut to Buffy)
ANDREW: Somebody help. Ow...
BUFFY: Everything OK?
ANYA: (straddling Andrew, about to punch him again) Fine. (grins)
BUFFY: (shrugs) OK. (leaves the room).
(returning to Spike, she pauses outside the door to hear:)
SPIKE-2: What do I do, job half-done? Never send a boy to do a man's job. Oh, don't deceive me, Oh, never leave me.
(she enters)
BUFFY: Who were you talking to?
SPIKE: What's that?
BUFFY: I heard you through the door. Who were you talking to?
SPIKE: Nobody. I was just, uh, keeping myself company.
BUFFY: Are you OK?
SPIKE: Fine. How are you?
(cut to adjacent room)
ANYA: Now, you can talk, or I can keep hitting you. Believe me, I'd love to keep hitting you.
(cut back to Spike & Buffy)
BUFFY: Spike?
SPIKE: I'm fine, Buffy. Really. I'm just...feeling a bit peckish, I suppose. Do you mind?
(when she turns her back, he vamps out and breaks free. cut back to Andrew)
ANDREW: ...We needed more blood to activate the seal of Danthaz?
(Spike's hands come through the wall and pull Andrew back into Buffy's room. Buffy breaks it up, knocks Spike out)
written by: Drew Goddard; Transcribed by: CariCranberry. edited by me.. Full transcript at: