Anne lets two kids into her shelter after-hours
from The Thin Dead Line (Season 2)
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KENNY: He's right behind us.

LES: Oh god.

KENNY: We got to move. Now.

(They run on while we see a big shadow on the opposite wall slowly moving closer. The scene cuts to the East Hills Teen Shelter, night.)

KENNY: Open up! Please, open up. (Anne opens the doors) Anne, look, I know it's past curfew, but we got to come in.

ANNE: Sorry. Ten o'clock. You know the rules.

KENNY: I know, I know, but - you can't leave us out here, okay? There's something - (looks back over his shoulder) - we gotta come in.

ANNE: We're already packed to the ceiling! There is no room, even if I did let you in. No more beds.

LES: Please. We'll sleep on the floor.

KENNY: Anne, don't make us go back out there.

(Anne steps aside and the two teens hurry inside. We a see a human figure move in the shadows across the street, the light briefly glinting off a silver badge on its chest and the shiny rim of the cap it is wearing. )

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written by: Jim Kouf & Shawn Ryan; Original transcript anonymous. Edited, formatted for this site and checked against source by Sylvia.. Full transcript at:
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