Cordy: see, Gunn wants to get paid! The poor man can't even afford a real axe!
from Untouched (Season 2)
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(Gunn walks into the lobby.)

GUNN: You call, I come. Loaded for bear, ready for battle, and something else that starts with B.

WESLEY: What is that? (looking at Gunn's axe)

GUNN: Ah, isn't this the thing? Some of the kids at my camp put it together for me. Thought I might get the chance to stick it in something now.

CORDELIA: Men are all alike.

GUNN: Fair Cordelia -- you still saving my life?

CORDELIA: Every minute.

GUNN: How's that working out?

CORDELIA: You're alive, aren't you?

GUNN: So, what kind of scaly Pus-monster you all want me to slay this time?

ANGEL: Actually we were hoping you could do some leg-work for us.

GUNN: Leg-work? That kind of leaves me high and dry with my cool new axe.

ANGEL: Well I'm trying to find a girl. She smashed a couple of would-be rapists with a dumpster.

GUNN: Must have been a hefty kind of girl.

ANGEL: We think she did it psychically.

WESLEY: Telekinesis, the power of moving things with --

GUNN: Yeah, I have heard the word. So, what you all need me to do?

ANGEL: I'm interested in the guys. They got ...

CORDELIA: Smushed?

ANGEL: Not far from your neighborhood, around Hollywood and Wilcox. You think you could find out where they are?

GUNN: You got it. (leaving) But if I come back here on the end of a spatula, I'm expecting some serious workman's comp!

CORDELIA: (hits Angel's arm) See? Workman's comp -- he wants to get paid!

ANGEL: Cordelia ...

CORDELIA: The poor man can't even afford a real axe!

ANGEL: Okay. Okay. I'll bring it up. I'm going to bed. It's been a long day.

CORDELIA: You've been up for three hours.

ANGEL: Cordelia -- find the girl.

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written by: Mere Smith; Original transcript anonymous. Edited & formatted for this site by chicken_cem. . Full transcript at:
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