Giles: the cult of cheerleading
from The Witch (Season 1)
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GILES: This is madness! What can you have been thinking? You are the Slayer! Lives depend upon you! I make allowances for your youth, but I expect a certain amount of responsibility, and instead of which you enslave yourself to this, this... Cult?

BUFFY: (wearing a cheerleader outfit) You don't like the color?

GILES: I d... (exasperated) Do you, um... Do you ignore everything I say as a, as a rule?

BUFFY: No, I believe that's your trick. I told you, I'm trying out for the cheerleading squad!

GILES: You have a sacred birthright, Buffy. You were chosen to destroy vampires, not to... wave pompoms at people. And as the Watcher I forbid it.

BUFFY: And you'll be stopping me how?

GILES: Well, I... By appealing to your common sense, if such a creature exists.

BUFFY: I will still have time to fight the forces of evil, okay? I just wanna have a life, I wanna do something normal. Something safe.

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written by: Dana Reston; Transcribed by: AleXander Thompson. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 22

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