Wesley to Angel: There is an entire passage about you.
from Blind Date (Season 1)
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WESLEY: The children are with their mentor. They're safe.

ANGEL: Good.

WESLEY: They have an important role to play. I believe this is how Wolfram and Hart knew of their coming.

ANGEL: You know what it is?

WESLEY: If I'm right, the Prophecies of Aberjian for centuries thought lost. I translated some of the text. As I said, it mentions the children you saved today. But that's not all. I - I also believe I know why you were drawn to it. There is an entire passage about you. It doesn't call you by name, but it tells of a vampire with a soul. This doesn't surprise you?


WESLEY: But you said you didn't know what it was.

ANGEL: I didn't, but --

WESLEY: Somehow you did?

ANGEL: Yeah.

WESLEY: There is a design, Angel. Hidden in the chaos as it may be, but ... it's there. And you have your place in it.

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written by: Jeannine Renshaw; Original transcript by anonymous. Edited, formatted and checked by chicken_cem.. Full transcript at:
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