Angel: We're moving in. from Are You Now, or Have You Ever Been? (Season 2) |
(Present day Hyperion Lobby.)
WESLEY: I've been accused of a great many things in my time, but *paranoid* has never been one of them. Unless people been saying it behind my back.
(Angel comes downstairs.)
GUNN: You right, man?
ANGEL: Yeah.
CORDELIA: We finished?
ANGEL: I think so.
CORDELIA: Good. Because I for one will be *glad* to see the last of this place. Gives me the heebie-jeebies.
GUNN: No lie. Plus it kind of got an odor to it. You notice that?
CORDELIA: 70 years of violence, mayhem and paranoia: bad vibes.
ANGEL: We're moving in.
CORDELIA: I mean, a few throw pillows what's not to love?
WESLEY: Angel, surely you more than anyone must appreciate, how for the better part of the last century this place has been host not only to a malevolent demonic presence, but the very worst faces of humanity! This is a house of evil.
ANGEL: Not anymore.
WESLEY: don't...find me - especially paranoid, do you?
ANGEL: Not especially.
WESLEY: Oh, thank god! I was worried.
written by: Tim Minear; Original transcript anonymous. Edited and formatted by Ann.. Full transcript at: