Buffy tells Dawn from The Body (Season 5) | Next Clip in Episode |
BUFFY: Dawn. I have to talk to you.
DAWN: Um...
BUFFY: (OS) What?
DAWN: Can it wait? I'm in the middle of a class.
BUFFY: I know. Please come with me.
DAWN: I thought Mom was picking me up.
Buffy closes the classroom door behind them as they exit into the hall.
DAWN: What's going on? Something's going on.
BUFFY: Let's go outside.
DAWN: No. Tell me what's going on.
BUFFY: It's ... bad ... news.
DAWN: Well, what is it? What happened?
BUFFY: It's bad. Please, can we-
DAWN: (loudly) Where's Mom?
BUFFY: (teary) Mom ... had an accident. Or, um... ...something went ... wrong from the tumor.
DAWN: Is she okay? Is she ... but she's okay? But ... it's, it's serious, but...
BUFFY: Dawn...
We can hear Dawn, but very faintly, as we hear it through the glass:
DAWN: (faintly) No. No, it's not true. No, you're a liar, she's fine!
written by: Joss Whedon; transcribed by Joan the English Chick . Full transcript at: